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Spectrum: Autism Research News


David Dobbs

David Dobbs writes about science, music, sports, and other forms of culture, and is the author of Reef Madness: Alexander Agassiz, Charles Darwin, and The Meaning of Coral and other books.


November 2022
Black and white photograph of Leo Kanner in a delicate collage of squares and circles on a cream colored background.

The new history of autism, part III

by  /  11 November 2022

For decades, two figures have dominated the history of autism studies. Today, newly excavated documents are calling into question the primacy of these men as founders of the field.

Black and white portrait of Hans Asperger against an abstract background.

The new history of autism, part II

by  /  9 November 2022

For decades, two figures have dominated the history of autism studies. Today, newly excavated documents are calling into question the primacy of these men as founders of the field.

Black and white photograph of Grunya Sukhareva in a delicate collage of squares and circles on a cream colored background.

The new history of autism, part I

by  /  7 November 2022

For decades, two figures have dominated the history of autism studies. Today, newly excavated documents are calling into question the primacy of these men as founders of the field.

August 2017
Illustration: a child stands in the center of a crowd, looking confused.

Rethinking regression in autism

by  /  2 August 2017

The loss of abilities that besets some toddlers with autism is probably less sudden and more common than anyone thought.

July 2016
Photo: Bernardo Pace and his daughter Gina stand together, looking at each other and embracing.

The most terrifying childhood condition you’ve never heard of

by  /  6 July 2016

Childhood disintegrative disorder, a rare and severe condition, rapidly melts away a child’s abilities. A new theory proposes that this little-known condition turns back the developmental clock.
